Upgrade oratio 2.0


Version 2.0 demandes Postgres 7.4 et+
Install Perl module for pdf:


Before proceeding with the upgrade it is strongly advised to backup database and program files.


  1. Rename the previous Oratio folder (ex. in oratio_1.0)
  2. Install new program files: extract new files maintaining equal the folder name "oratio"
  3. Upgrade the database.
    The upgrade can be made in the following way:
  4. Go back to administration page and go in "Change Admin Settings".
    In this section insert data of the "master" database that will contain Oratio users.
    This will allow to manage the access, with the same login, to different database.
  5. Bring back in the file oratio.conf modifications eventually made, in the same file, in the previous version
  6. Import users of version 1.0.
    If you want to manually recreate users of new Oratio version go to successive point, otherwise:
  7. Login to use Oratio 2.0 (http://localhost/oratio/login.pl)