Oratio® installation guide for Windows (WIN32)
What is required
Oratio® is a program for integrated management ERP distributed with license GPL (GNU General Public
License). The program relies on a PosgresSQL database and work in CGI mode, wich means that is accessible with a browser through a local or remote server. For these reasons it is necessary that few tools are available on the Server/PC that uses it.
List of programs
- ActivePerl for Windows, version 5.8.x.x (recomended MSI) available on the site ActiveState
- A server http Apache (Win32 Binary (MSI Installer))
- The database Postgres for Windows (postgresql-8.0.1.zip)
- The following libraries for Perl : DBI-1.47 (ActiveState) e DBD-Pg (precompiled version 1.22)
- Perl Library to create documents in pdf format: PDF-API2
- On certain Windows installations there can be a problem due the lack of the dll named msvcr70.dll (Microsoft C Runtime Library). If it is not present in the system32 folder, it can be downloaded from www.dll-files.com
Be aware!!!!:: The active presence of a Windows personal firewall could cause problems during the installation. We strongly recomend that it will be disactivated during the installation
Installation of the programs :
- Install Active Perl (installation by default
conferming the options offered)
- Install Apache (installation by default
conferming the options offered)
In case di Apache service will not be automatically installed it is possible to do it manually following this instruction from the command prompt:
"C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\apache" -k install -n
- Install PostgreSQL (installation by default
conferming the options offered)
NB: During th installation will be required to assign a password for the administrator of the database (postgres). It is necessary to write down the password as it will be required when using Oratio®
- Install module DBI (Database independent interface for Perl)
Using Perl Package Manager:
a) Extract the DBI package in a folder (to semplify create a folder called "dbi") inside the folder of Perl ("c:\perl\dbi")
b) Open the program
Perl Package Manager (Start / Programs / ActiveState ActivePerl /Perl Package
and digit the following instruction:
- Install the module DBD (Database independent interface for Perl)
using Perl Package Manager:
a) Extract the package DBD-Pg in a folder (to semplify create a folder called "dbd") inside the folder of Perl ("c:\perl\dbd")
b) Open the program
Perl Package Manager (Start / Programs / ActiveState ActivePerl /Perl Package
and digit the following instruction
- Decompress the file oratio-x.x.x.tar.gz in the folder:
"C:\Programs\Apache Group\Apache2\".
- You will find all the installed files in the folder:
"C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Apache2\oratio\ "
- Download the file oratio-windows and decompress it in the folder
"C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Apache2\oratio\"
- Go to the folder "C:\Programmi\Apache
Group\Apache2\oratio\" and double click on the the file oratio-windows.pl which is just been extracted
Configuration of Apache
- Modify the configuration file of Apache httpd.conf
(by default you will find it in C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Apache2\),
adding the following text:
- Ensure that port 80 is not already in use with another web-server installed on the machine (es.: Internet Information Services - IIS). If so, modify the Apache configuration file: from Listen
80 to Listen 8080
- Restart the Apache service
- Restart the system
Configuration of Oratio
Create the database
- Launch a internet-browser and digit the following address
http://localhost:8080/oratio/admin.pl or
http://localhost/oratio/admin.pl if you use tha standard port (80). Eventually substitute
with the address/name of the server where Oratio® is installed.
- Select "Pg Database Administration"
- complete the fields
, port
, user
et password
indicating in order: ip of the server di database (by default
), the port (usually 5432
), the name of the user and the password used to access the database (which were defined during the installation of
- Insert a name for the database, choose the language for the creation of the accounts Continue
- The operation might take a few minutes.
Create a user
- Recall the page:
http://localhost:8080/oratio/admin.pl or
http://localhost/oratio/admin.pl if you use the standard port(80).
Eventually substitute
with the address/name of the server where Oratio® is installed.
- access the section "Add User"
- Insert the values preferred
- In the section "Database", insert the same data used for the creation of the database
- When finished click Save
Launch the program
- Recall the page
http://localhost:8080/oratio/login.pl or
http://localhost/oratio/login.pl if you are using the standard port(80).
Eventually substitute
with the address/name of the server where Oratio® is installed.
- Insert user and password that you have just created .
- Click login
- Refer to the User Manual for the product's functions.
Congratulations, you have installed your ERP Open Source, Oratio® !
[© Proxima Centauri 2004] [info@oratio.it]
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