Oratio® installation guide for Windows (WIN32)


What is required

Oratio® is a program for integrated management ERP distributed with license GPL (GNU General Public License). The program relies on a PosgresSQL database and work in CGI mode, wich means that is accessible with a browser through a local or remote server. For these reasons it is necessary that few tools are available on the Server/PC that uses it.

List of programs

  1. ActivePerl for Windows, version 5.8.x.x (recomended MSI) available on the site ActiveState
  2. A server http Apache (Win32 Binary (MSI Installer))
  3. The database Postgres for Windows (postgresql-8.0.1.zip)
  4. The following libraries for Perl : DBI-1.47 (ActiveState) e DBD-Pg (precompiled version 1.22)
  5. Perl Library to create documents in pdf format: PDF-API2
  6. On certain Windows installations there can be a problem due the lack of the dll named msvcr70.dll (Microsoft C Runtime Library). If it is not present in the system32 folder, it can be downloaded from www.dll-files.com


Be aware!!!!:: The active presence of a Windows personal firewall could cause problems during the installation. We strongly recomend that it will be disactivated during the installation

Installation of the programs :

Configuration of Apache

Configuration of Oratio

Create the database

Create a user

Launch the program

Congratulations, you have installed your ERP Open Source, Oratio® !

[© Proxima Centauri 2004] [info@oratio.it]
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